

Clear two-way communication between school and families is fundamental to underpinning each child's progress and attainment. Communications that The Coppice issue are tailored to consider audience (i.e. Whole School, Year Group, Class or individual) and importance/urgency of message. 

We love to welcome the children and families so every day you will find that the Senior Leadership team are always present on the front gates as children enter school each morning and in the playground at the end of the school day.

Further information on key communications can be found below:


The school website is the most complete source of Whole School and Year Group information.

The information on the website has been structured with the intent of grouping together information related to specific stakeholders.  

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Whole School Newsletters

Whole school newsletters contain communications that are relevant to all pupils and their families. These are sent out by email every Friday, and they are also displayed on our notice boards at the KS1 and KS2 gates. Past copies can be found by scrolling down below, with the most recent communications at the top of the listing. 

Should you need an earlier newsletter or wish to be added to the mailing list, please contact the office team. 

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E-mail Communication

As well as the Whole School Newsletters, e-mail is used to distribute other whole school information, typically where the weekly newsletter cycle is not timely enough for the information. 

It is essential that parents and carers keep e-mail details up to date to ensure all messages are received.

Recently with the impact of the pandemic, e-mail has been a vital communication method between school and home for child-specific communication.

Whilst not looking to remove e-mail as an option for Parents/Carers to communicate with teachers, we have now installed the following e-mail protocols so as to aid more timely resolution of any concerns whilst also explaining expected response times, improving wellbeing for all involved.

E-mails with Teaching Staff
  • Unless urgent in nature, please avoid sending e-mails outside of these designated times:
      • Monday to Thursday: 7.00 am – 7.00 pm
      • Friday: 7.00am – 5.00 pm
      • Saturday and Sunday: Not at all
  • Please note that whilst teaching or preparing for the School Day, Teaching Staff do not use their e-mail – urgent messages should instead go to the office (see below)
  • E-mails sent during teaching hours (8.30 am – 3.15 pm) regarding requests for teachers to call Parents/Carers need to be sent to the school office so that they can assist in the first instance
  • Please understand it may take 48 hours, excluding weekends, for a reply
  • Please note that teachers are available for face-to-face discussions at the end of each day
E-mails to the School Office
  • Any messages relating to a child’s absence, appointments or pick-up times need to be sent directly to the school office and NOT to the class teacher. This ensures messages can be recorded appropriately and actioned on a timely basis
  • The school office can be contacted by phone or e-mail for such matters – staff are available to talk to from 8.00 am – 4.00 pm each weekday, with an answerphone system outside those hours
  • The absence line answerphone is open 24 hours a day (Option 1 when calling the school)
  • If home circumstances make it difficult to send communications to Teaching Staff during the designated times above, then please instead route it to the school office e-mail, so this can be re-routed during working hours

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Communication Pathway

We are always keen to discuss any issues or concerns face-to-face so they can be readily understood and resolved promptly.

If you have a specific concern relating to your child, contact should always be through the Class Teacher in the first instance and then followed by the Year Leader should this be deemed necessary. Direct communication to members of the Senior Leadership Team, if required, should only follow contact with the Class Teacher and the Year Leader and should first go directly to Mr. Laight (Assistant Head) and then Mrs. Ashwell (Deputy Head). Should all the aforementioned channels be gone through and, should there not be a satisfactory outcome to the enquiry, contact will then be directly with Mr. Hutt (Headteacher).

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Year Group Pages

The Year Group specific newsletters and communications, also created weekly, can be found here. 

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Text Messaging Service

The school uses a Text Messaging Service to send messages which need to be communicated swiftly.

It is essential that parents and carers keep the school informed of any changes to mobile phones details. Please use this form to update us of any changes. 

The school text service number is 07984 441 282 - we recommend saving this number in your phone. 

Absences can be notified via text message to the number above - please see the Absence Procedure for full requirements.

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School Letters

Communications that require a response - e.g. consent forms, will continue to be sent in paper form. Such letters will be given to pupils directly by their class Teacher. 

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Parents' Evenings

Parents are offered the opportunity to attend two Parents’ Evenings per year to discuss their child specifically. These are in Autumn & Spring Terms. 

Parents' Evening bookings and video meetings are managed through School Cloud - click here to access

At the start of each year, we hold a Parents' Information Evening for each class where the outline of the activities and teaching for the year is presented. 

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School Reports

Each child is sent an annual report during the Summer Term detailing their progress, attainment and achievements during the academic year. 

Parents/Carers are offered the opportunity to discuss any questions arising from the report should that be necessary. 

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