Parent Forum
The Coppice Parent Forum
The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school and is a valuable way to share ideas, positive experiences, concerns and make suggestions for improvement.
Aims of the Parent Forum:
- To work together to improve the education provided for our children
- To share information, knowledge and skills
- Meet in a mutually supportive environment
- Further improve communication between parent/carers and staff/governors
Who can be part of the Parent Forum:
- Any parent / carer of a child currently at The Coppice is welcome to join any parent forum meeting. Other members of The Coppice staff may attend meetings depending upon agenda items. The meetings will be chaired by Mrs Ashwell.
Why should I be part of the Parent Forum?
- It gives you, the parent, an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.
When do we meet?
- Meetings will take place on a Tuesday afternoon once a half term for an hour. Meetings take place in the staffroom and there is always coffee and cake on offer!
What will be discussed at the meetings?
- Anything relating to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents, The meetings are informal and are an opportunity for open discussion. Minutes of the meetings will be taken and these will be accessible on the school’s website.
- Issues can be raised and discussed during the meeting. It is not, however, a forum to discuss individual children, families or members of staff.
If you are unable to attend a meeting but have something that you would like to raise, please email it to the school office FAO Parent Forum and it will be passed to Mrs Ashwell to be discussed at the meeting.
It would be lovely to have a group of parents who could hopefully commit to attending the meetings on a regular basis but of course we welcome all parents/carers to any of the meetings.
Please see the weekly newsletter for the date of the next meeting.
Recent minutes can be accessed below: