
School Council

The Coppice School Council

The Coppice Primary School launched its new School Council in September 2021. The Council comprises three representatives from each year group in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6). A Councillor represents each class and the team of Councillors also visit Key Stage One classes in order to involve them and gain their thoughts and ideas.

Coppice Councillor

The Councillors were elected through a democratic process which involved two weeks of preparation time for the candidates and one week for year group elections. These elections allowed each candidate to perform a speech in front of their peers. Children voted in a closed ballot which was counted by year group volunteers.

The Council is a key part of how the Coppice honours pupil voice. Children have the chance to feed their ideas to their Councillors through suggestion boxes and Council playtimes. These ideas are then raised in meetings which take place every three weeks. Councillors enact change throughout the school by arranging meetings with other members of staff, sending communication through the link teacher and creating their own posters for display. So far, the Council has been considering ways to improve our access to the library and how to make sure that school lunches cater to the interests of each child.

Year 6 Councillors meet prior to each meeting to write an agenda. During each meeting, the Council’s secretary also writes minutes which are shared on our School Council board in the hall and on the school’s newsletter.

Council Agenda Council Meeting Notes