
Eco Committee

The Coppice Eco Committee

The children in our Eco Committee are passionate about their roles and have the very important responsibility of encouraging all children and staff in school to do everything they can to be as green as possible.

A key part of being a part of our Eco Committee is that the children take responsibility for recycling and energy saving in their own class.

The Eco Committee meets every half term to discuss and implement new ideas that they would like to put in place over the course of the year and to evaluate the environmental review of the school. This process will help us on our journey towards achieving the Eco Schools' Award along with a green flag.

The award will recognise our school’s commitment to developing strategies that sustain and enhance the environment. The Eco Schools' programme inspires and influences young people in schools to create and change environmental actions through projects and small changes to everyday behaviours within the school and the local community.

Let’s create a brighter and greener future for The Coppice.

Eco Committee 3 Dec 2021